Keep your privacy and information online safe | Passwords



As we are relying more and more on online services to keep, store and manage our information, it is important to keep it safe. This becomes crucial when we talk about bank accounts, or official procedures like Tax payment, medical records and so on. The best way that we can do it is by using strong passwords to authenticate that we are really us, the ones who are trying to get access to this information.

It is easy to remember passwords like your date of birth, your name or well known password word like "password", "123456", or simple dictionary words. But also, they are very easy to guess.

The most common techniques that an attacker would use to crack passwords are: By force brute, which work by using powerful computers to try words until find the correct one and by the use of password dictionaries, which are a long list with the most common known passwords and dictionary words, as most passwords are common words.

Day by day websites, online app and organizations are more aware of the risks of a password cracking. Therefore,  They are implementing policies to make the users more secure. Measures such as: 

  • Password expiration: which make a user to change the password every certain time, normally between 60 and 90 days
  •  Timeout: Some web-servers by default after a certain time inactive, the client will be automatically logged off from the server.
  • False attempts: Some servers have implemented a false attempts policies, to avoid techniques like force brute attacks. After a certain number of wrong entries on a site, the server will block the user access until by other methods like e-mail, double authentication the user can change the password and get access back to the server.
  • Two factor authentication (2FA): Is an extra security layer required during the log in process. After entering the password the user should prove the identity by a trust method or device configured when the user was created.

So, how to create a strong password?

The best way to illustrate how to make a password is  creating and testing one. To do so, there are a few recommendations  that must be follow to build a strong password:

  • The password must be longer, at least 12 character and  avoiding names of friends, family, pets or yours:


  • Use capital letters, trying to avoid to start with the first letter as a capital, because is obvious for an attacker start using capital letters:
  • Use Alphanumeric and special characters,
  • Avoid too many lowercase or capital letters together:
  • Avoid common substitutions like:
Let's try and check our password on a  password checker site:

The results of how long a computer would need to crack the password diverse from one site to another, but all match in the password is a safe password. We can confirm now that we have a safe password!!!🥳🥳🥳
